Adventures in Political Activism

The following articles are about experiences and projects that I worked on while working on politics as a volunteer and later paid consultant. While I am still active politically, I no longer do much political consulting as it has a bad habit of dominating my free time. Much of these articles are my way of passing on my own experiences to others interested in political campaigns.

Robocalls in Texas

An article that I wrote in 2014 about the laws and regulations around using Robocalls in Texas. The article discusses some of the rules that need to be followed and provides some examples of robocalls that I have used in the past. Please be aware that some laws and regulations may have changed since this article was first written.

Field Canvassing Tablets

A breakdown of the Field Canvassing Tablet program that my wife and I worked on while operating the company Darwood Technology. These tablets were designed to help reduce data entry problems and turnaround time for field programs. They were also helpful in identifying paid canvassers who were providing fake data and falsely claiming they had knocked on the doors of targeted voters.